Teaching & Pastoral Staff

Michael Reeves

President and Professor of Theology

Clive Bowsher

Provost and Director of Mission

Donald Fairbairn

Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology

  • Donald Fairbairn is Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Union School of Theology and the Robert E. Cooley Professor of Early Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, as well as Dean of Newton House. He has ministered and taught throughout Europe and North America. His books include Grace and Christology in the Early Church, Life in the Trinity, The Story of Creeds and Confessions, and The Global Church—The First Eight Centuries. He and his wife, Jennifer, have two adult children, Trey and Ella.


    PhD, University of Cambridge

    MDiv, Denver Seminary

    BA, Princeton University


    Email: dfairbairn@ust.ac.uk

Iain McGee

Dean of Studies and Quality Enhancement

  • Iain McGee has held senior management positions at a number of universities, and has worked in both quality assurance consultancy and auditing. Iain spent nearly 25 years living and working in the Middle East, and is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He is the author of Revelation in Christian Theologies of Religions: Voices from across the Ages (Pickwick, 2024 forthcoming). Iain serves on the eldership of a local church in Cardiff. He is married to Salomi, and has three daughters.


    PhD University of Bristol

    PhD Cardiff University

    MA University of Leicester

    LLB Bristol Polytechnic

    DipHE University of Glamorgan


    Email: imcgee@ust.ac.uk

Paul Spear

Pastoral Dean

  • Paul Spear has over 30 years of experience as a pastor in three different churches. Before joining Union, Paul was co-pastor of Highbury Baptist Church and General Secretary of an Association of over 60 churches in the South-East of England (AGBCSE), leading a team supporting their pastoral care, church planting, governance and finance. We’re pleased he has now returned to the campus where he first trained for ministry. Paul has particular interests in the overlap between pastoral theology and theological education. He is married to Fiona and they have three grown-up children.


    MA, University of Wales, Lampeter

    PGCE, University of Warwick

    BA, University of Warwick


    Email: pspear@ust.ac.uk

John Evans

Lecturer in Old Testament and Hebrew

  • John spent seven years as a pastor in the USA and twenty years on seminary faculties in Africa. While a missionary, he served as Academic Dean at the Theological College of Central Africa in Zambia, and as Head of the Biblical Studies Department at Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology. Additionally, he has taught on the faculty of two American seminaries.


    DTh, Universiteit van Stellenbosch

    MDiv, ThM, Covenant Theological Seminary

    BA, Calvin College


    Email: jevans@ust.ac.uk

    See John Evans' publications here

Daniel Hames

Lecturer in Systematic and Historical Theology

  • Daniel Hames is Union's Vice President and lectures in Systematic and Historical Theology. He is a a local church minister and co-author of God Shines Forth: How the Nature of God Shapes and Drives the Mission of the Church.


    PhD, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

    MSt, University of Oxford

    MA (Hons), University of Oxford

    BSc (Hons), University of Leicester


    Email: dhames@ust.ac.uk

    See Daniel Hames' publications here

Rob Trenckmann

Lecturer in Systematic Theology

  • Rob Trenckmann lectures in Systematic and Historical Theology and pastoral ministry, and is Director of Newton House in Oxford. Prior to joining Union, Rob was involved in church planting, national training and discipleship, while serving as Country Lead in Hungary for Josiah Venture. He also served on Josiah Venture's international leadership council and trained leaders across Europe. Prior to his work in Hungary, he served as a pastor in a church in the US. His current PhD research, at the University of Cambridge, focuses on the implications of biblical anthropology for the Christian life and for ministry. He and his wife, Liz, have three children.


    MTh, Union School of Theology

    BS, Multnomah Bible College


    Email: rtrenckmann@newton-house.com


Steffen Jenkins

Lecturer in Biblical Studies and Greek

  • Before joining Union, Steffen was Tutor in Biblical Languages at Tyndale House, Cambridge, and a missionary to seminaries in Cuba. He has also served as associate Minister of a local church in Chelmsford. Steffen's twin passions are reading the Old Testament as Christian Scripture and equipping pastors in the biblical languages so they can use them daily. Current book projects include a Greek language textbook (forthcoming with CUP) and an introduction to reading the Psalms as a book. Steffen is married to Sally-Ann, and together they have two sons, Ben and Daniel.


    PhD, University of Bristol and Trinity College

    MTH, Middlesex University and Oak Hill College

    MA, University of Cambridge


    Email: sjenkins@ust.ac.uk

    See Steffen Jenkins' publications here

    Listen to Steffen's preaching series on Psalms

Gary McKee

Programme Officer and Lecturer in New Testament

  • Before joining Union, Gary served as Director of Studies at Westminster Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Newcastle Upon Tyne. He has also taught Theology and Biblical Studies at Leeds Trinity University and pastored a church in Sunderland from 2006-2013. Gary completed his undergraduate theological studies here on Campus in 2006. He is married to Priya and they have one daughter, Elyana.


    PhD, University of Leeds

    PhD (Geography), Queen's University Belfast

    PGCHE, Leeds Trinity University (Fellow of the Higher Education Academy)

    BA (Hons), Theological Studies, University of South Wales


    Email: gmckee@ust.ac.uk

Emily Lucas

Tutor for Women & Student Welfare

  • Emily is Tutor for Women and Student Welfare. She is committed to helping students allow theological learning to form and feed into godly living, whether in their personal devotion to God, ministry contexts and their fellowship among one another. She has a passion for helping others discern and develop their theological voice. Emily has been married to Ben, a vicar in the Church of England, for 14 years and they have three children. She oversees the Women's Ministry at her church, teaches and tutors for the Priscilla Programme (a partnership programme between Church Society and Union), and has an itinerant evangelistic and speaking ministry to students and women's groups. She is currently studying with Biblical Counselling UK and is working on her PhD with Union focusing on the theological anthropology of Richard Sibbes.


    MTh in Theology & Biblical Studies, UST

    Biblical Counselling Certificate, BCUK

    Graduate Teacher Programme, East Sussex County Council

    NCTJ Postgraduate Certificate in Magazine Journalism, Brighton University

    BA 1st Class Hons Degree English, Royal Holloway University of London


    Email: emilylucas@ust.ac.uk

Adjunct Faculty


Michael A.G. Haykin

Adjunct Lecturer in Church History

Keith Ferdinando

Adjunct Lecturer in Missiology

Peter Mead

Adjunct Lecturer in Preaching

Robin Barfield

Adjunct Lecturer in Pastoral Theology


Steve Midgley

Adjunct Lecturer in Biblical Counselling

Neil Powell

Adjunct Lecturer Church and Mission


Antony Billington

Adjunct Lecturer in Biblical Exegesis

Richard Turnbull

Adjunct Lecturer in Church History


Ros Clarke

Adjunct Lecturer in Old Testament and Course Leader of the Priscilla Programme

Robert Letham

Senior Research Fellow

Lee Gatiss

Adjunct Lecturer in Church History

Leonardo De Chirico

Adjunct Lecturer in Missiology
