
Enquire today by email or phone to find out more about our programmes and how to apply.

Get in touch

Our website has been designed to give you all the information you need about our courses, delivery methods, locations, and what to expect as a member of the Union community, so please do take the time to browse the site.

If you have further questions or can’t find the information you’re looking for, get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.


Liz Orange, Enquiries Officer

Liz is here to answer all your questions about studying with Union. Drop her a line with details of which programme you’re interested in and any questions, and she’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Email: admissionenquiries@ust.ac.uk

Telephone: 0330 123 4446 (option 1)

Iain McGee, Dean of Students & Quality Enhancement

For all PhD enquiries, please read through our PhD programme page. If you have any questions about the PhD, please email Iain.

Email: deanofstudies@ust.ac.uk

Telephone: 0330 123 4446 (option 2)

Fiona Dent, Communications & Teams Coordinator

Contact Fiona about setting up a Learning Community, and to learn more about Union’s ministry ecosystem.

Email: fdent@ust.ac.uk

Telephone: 0330 123 4446 (option 1)