A Dream Realised: Fiza’s Story

Fiza, a BA flex student living in Pakistan, was looking for robust theological training in the UK, but found herself held back by practicalities. That was until she discovered Union.


While serving with Pakistan Campus Crusade for Christ and the OM Team, I felt compelled to pursue theological studies.

After being employed as a translator for a Christian publishing house, this urge only became deeper as I translated theological English publications into Urdu, my native language.

In 2020, I was looking for a theological college in the United Kingdom, but practically all of them were closing or had rigorous admissions criteria that I couldn't meet.

Then I saw Union's advertisement, which said, "Union on the Go." Union embraces the sound biblical core values that I seek. I began communicating with them, and by His grace, I was accepted into this BA Theology programme.

It's like a dream come true because I've found everything I've been looking for at Union: quality and sound Biblical education. I can also contact my teachers and tutor for any type of assistance with my studies and personal well-being, respectively.

After finishing my studies, I plan to continue serving women and young people in the same capacity as before. As a fiction writer, I hope to use my writings to teach sound theology as well.

You don't have to worry if you can't study in person because you can still get a good education by studying in flex mode. You can easily contact your teachers and tutors for assistance. There is no reason not to take a step forward.

Come to Union and make your dream a reality!


Looking for theological education that works around your current circumstances? Discover our flexible BA (Hons) or enquire today!


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