“My joy returned”: Linda’s story

MTh student Linda Allcock shares how studying with Union is enriching her ministry among survivors of abuse.


I’m Linda Allcock, and I joined the Union MTh expecting to learn theology – but I’ve been really encouraged to see how much my faith has grown through my studies.

I saw this through the Spiritual Formation of a Leader module. When we were studying joy in the life of a Christian leader, I realised how joyless my life had become. As we dug into the doctrine of justification by faith – the root of our joy - by myself in my essay, my joy returned. This has overflowed in my ministry and I’ve been able to share it with others.

This is the second way my studies have helped me. I knew that it would be hard studying alongside doing ministry - but I’ve found the two mutually enriching.

I’ve been supporting some survivors of abuse recently, and after a particularly intense morning, I sat down to study. The Holy Spirit was definitely at work, because the passage I was digging into was from Irenaeus, the second century Church Father, who was calling out the abuse of women at the hands of false teachers.

I was moved to tears at my desk, and yet I was so encouraged and strengthened to know that I stand in a long line of Christian leaders throughout history who have wanted to share Christ’s love and healing with the church.

I’d encourage anyone who could to study alongside ministry. Keep on learning, because it warms your heart and strengthens your faith!


Ready to take your next step in theological training? Join us on campus or study in a Learning Community near you with our MTh in Scripture and Theology!


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