Your next step: 5 reasons to study our GDip

With so many options for theological study available, it can be daunting to know where to start.

If you already have a degree and are looking to take your next step with formal theological training, our Graduate Diploma (GDip) is for you. The course has been designed to bridge the gap between a non-theology degree and an MTh, but is also popular as a stand-alone course. It is validated by the Open University. 

Here are five reasons to consider studying the GDip with us:

1) Study wherever you are

Delivered through local Learning Communities, the GDip provides you access to Union’s world-class, robust theological training, right where you are. With over 20 locations worldwide – and growing – our Learning Communities give you the opportunity to train locally while learning alongside others. You can find out where your nearest Learning Community is here.

2) Grow together in community

Learning in community with others is vital to gospel-hearted theological education. Meeting once a week as a Learning Community, GDip students not only grow together theologically but also personally and spiritually, and so are equipped for all-round gospel ministry. In the words of Meirav, one of our GDip students: “My favourite part of the course is the classroom day, when we get to discuss what we're learning and sharpen each other's thinking, so it's not just me on my own with the course material.”

3) Access world-class theological teaching

Faculty teaching on the GDip programme include internationally respected and pastorally experienced theologians, including Michael Reeves, Dustin Benge and Robert Letham. You’ll receive a solid grounding in Biblical, historical and systematic theology, as well as having the opportunity to study biblical languages with our highly regarded faculty. Find out more about the programme here.

“Studying at Union has helped me to grow personally in my knowledge and love of Jesus, and equipped me to share Jesus more clearly with others and serve him better in full-time ministry.” Katie, GDip graduate

4) Learn while you serve

We’ve designed the GDip to be as accessible and flexible as possible so that you can learn alongside your existing commitments. Students will typically need to study around 20-25 hours per week, including one study day a week spent in the Learning Community, meaning that you can continue to work or serve at church while you study.

5) Be immersed in theology you can trust

In a world where so many Christians are drifting from the gospel and afraid to lift the banner of Christ, it’s as important as ever that godly men and women are immersed in Biblically faithful, gospel-hearted theological teaching. The GDip reflects UST’s Evangelical and Reformed distinctives, with an emphasis on studying the Bible, church history, systematic theology, and pastoral and preaching theology - meaning you’ll receive a theological education you can trust to strengthen you for gospel ministry.

Ready to apply for the GDip?


Life at Union: Dave Clemo


Theology where you need it: 5 reasons to study on our flexible BA